As the name suggests, sober living refers to a lifestyle where people with drug addictions try to stop consuming drugs and start over. Sober living requires individuals to join a sober living house where they can stay away from all relapsing triggers and meet a supportive community. However, many people with drug addictions are reluctant to start sober living due to certain misconceptions.
This blog discusses some sober living myths that people in recovery must ignore.
Even though around 21 million adults in the United States have dealt with a substance use disorder at some point in their lives, many people still believe that opting for sober living should only be an option when the court orders it. However, that’s a huge myth. Most sober living programs and recovery houses require voluntary participation.
Individuals recovering from drug addiction aren’t under any obligation to live a sober life. But you need to remember that a sober living lifestyle is for your good. By quitting your drug addiction, you can lead a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life and achieve your personal and professional dreams.
Another misconception about sober living is that it makes people in recovery lonely. Additionally, some people believe they won’t get any support if they opt for a sober lifestyle. Even though people recovering from drug addiction might feel they have no one they can relate to at the start, joining the right support group can make all the difference.
Scientists have conducted multiple studies on the importance of support for effective recovery. You can ask your friends or family members to look out for you or start living in a sober living space, where you can meet other people who’re going through the same thing as you.
The assumed costs of joining a sober living program or house stops many people from starting their recovery process. However, that’s only a myth. In reality, many sober living homes are non-profits and offer affordable pricing. Additionally, they also come with many facilities, making sober living cost-effective.
Now that we have debunked some misconceptions about sober living, you need to join a sober living house and start your journey of recovering from drug addiction. At Keno Hope House, we’re proud to launch our sober living house in Kenosha, Wisconsin. This men’s recovery house will debunk all the sober living myths and concerns you have, as our facility has all the facilities and amenities you need to live a comfortable and peaceful life while being sober. Additionally, our non-profit sober living house for men has a volleyball and soccer place and an outdoor yard, which allows you to stay physically active on your recovery journey.
So what are you waiting for? Ignore all the sober living myths and get in touch with us for any queries.