In a study carried out over a year across alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drug abuse statistics, more than 85% of individuals relapse each year and return to rehabilitation centers. It takes a lot of effort to maintain your sobriety, and it is extremely easy to relapse in a short period of time after rehabilitation centers. So, what can you do to prevent that from happening?
Here are some tips on how to prevent relapse in recovering addicts. Keep reading to find out more.
Any kind of addiction will initially develop due to unforeseen and drastic experiences that a person may have during their lifetime. With time, people will develop triggers that can push them to relapse to help subside their anxiety, depression, or other traumatic feelings. It’s important to understand your triggers and prevent them from taking over your mind.
Everyone has negative thoughts that they can’t push out of their heads. While some people only wallow in despair, others are quick to try and push them out of your head. To be able to do that, many people will drink alcohol or resort to drug usage. One way to prevent relapse is to learn how to navigate these negative thoughts in a healthy manner.
Stress can often lead to excessive drinking and can cause a person out of rehabilitation to relapse. A key thing you need to practice is managing your stress and using different activities to let off steam instead of going to a nearby dealer.
If you’re trying to learn how to prevent a relapse, you can seek hope and help from people around you. We can help you find a peaceful and rewarding living environment at Keno Hope House.
We offer a safe and shared living environment in our sober living home for men in Kenosha. We have a safe transitional environment to help people learn how to live on their own without falling into another addiction spiral. Our recovery home can help you find the stability, support, and kindness that you need to keep yourself from relapsing. To learn more, you can get in touch with our sober living home today.